Are you trying so hard to stop using your phone? Do you know social media addictions have ruined relationships, families as well as jobs?

There are also negative aspects to these technologies that are continually sucking away our humanity- people care more about Facebook likes, Instagram followers, Twitter followers, etc., more than real-life relationships. All these are having adverse effects on us.

Furthermore, if you are among the busiest professionals today, it can be difficult to pull yourself away from your device’s mobile screen; you are regularly checking email, company’s app, and social media for the latest news, customer’s request, gossips, etc.

The mobile world is a distraction, and it may seem unreasonable to use another mobile application to curb out these addictions, but it works.

We have searched for working mobile applications that you can find valuable to help you manage or get rid of your social media addictions, some of these apps work only for a particular operating system (OS) while some work for both Android and iOS.


Moment app

Although Moment works for iOS, it can track your device usage and sets daily limits you spend surfing your apps; Moment notifies you if you have exceeded the limit. It also floods your screen with annoying alerts when you are trying to overtake the daily limit.

Furthermore, Moment is ideal for families; it offers options to track your family’s device use from your own phone- it comes in handy when you are trying to monitor and manage the amount of time your kids spend on social media.


Offtime app

Offtime is a user-friendly application, which helps users to zone off by blocking addictive apps like games, and Facebook as well as filtering communications. This app provides information on how much you use your smartphone.

Furthermore, you can select customized modes like family, work or me time to enable you to have access and focus on the things you need, but are not distracted by the things you do not need.

By getting this information such as analytics of your phone, and the app can prompt you to take the right decision and eliminate the addictions. Offtime works for both Android and iOS devices


BreakFree app

The third on the list is another wonder app BreakFree; it is designed for both Android and iOS devices. It incorporates the usage tracking features found in several similar apps, but it is different in breaking down data into a more comprehensive addiction score.

BreakFree shows you how often you unlock your phone screen and easily logs your daily phone usage. The app makes it easy for you to set goals, and challenge themselves.

However, it is somewhat addictive to try to see your lowest addiction scores.



The AppDetox app is designed for all Android devices only; it helps you get rid of game addictions, refreshing Twitter and Facebook newsfeeds.

The app puts your fixation under control; you can set your parameters on an app-by-app basis to enable you to have access when it is not a disruption. Moreover, each time you break one of your own rules, the AppDetox reminds you to put down your phone.

Stay on Task

Just like AppDetox, the Stay on Task application is made for Android users; it enhances your productivity less aggressively.

If you are easily distracted, Stay on Task can be an excellent way to redirect your focus when your mind is wandering. It just asks if you are still on the task at random intervals during your day.


Flipd app

The Flipd app is another excellent app that is made for Android and iOS devices, unlike Stay on Task, Flipd is a more aggressive way to curb your addiction. It is perfect for those who deep into the smartphone addictions.

It allows you to lock your device for a stipulated period, and once you do it, you cannot go back to undo it even if you restart your device, it will not disable the app.

With Flipd, you cannot cheat your way out of it, which is good. The app is also perfect for teams who would love to keep each other on point.

So, if you have a smartphone addiction, you can check out the six applications above to help you manage or eliminate your addictions.

We would like to know what you think about these apps; please provide your comments below.

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