Knowing the most powerful weapons in Skyrim for each type of character build will be beneficial. You can find numerous generic and common weapons in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, but there are also many uncommon and incredibly potent weapons that you can use to help the Dragonborn wreck havoc on their enemies.

The strongest of these weapons have unique enchantments and characteristics that set them apart, with many becoming even more helpful in specific situations.

There is something available for almost every type of play style imaginable, depending on the player’s preferences.

Skyrim has aged surprisingly well due to its ingenious combat and weapon design. Many of the game’s more unique weapons give freeform combat an exceptional flavor and a nice challenge.

However, you must take risks and initially locate them if you want to obtain cool weapons. The location of these potent weapons and the quest that goes along with them have been added to help you save some precious time.

Look no further than this collection of Skyrim’s best weapons the next time you need a powerful, distinctive go-to weapon.

Let’s discuss some of the most powerful weapons in Skyrim without further ado.

Make Your Swings Lighter: The Longhammer

Orcs are skilled fighters, and their arsenal reflects that. A distinctive Warhammer is the Longhammer. You can find the weapon next to Rahd if you go to the Liar’s Retreat. The Longhammer eliminates the slowness and weight of most two-handed weapons.

It is 30 percent lighter to swing than a conventional Warhammer and has base damage and weight ratings of 21 and 18, respectively.

If The Longhammer isn’t strong enough for your requirements, you can enchant the weapon or upgrade it with an orichalcum ingot.

Light As Snow: The Stahlrim Dagger

The fastest attack speed belongs to daggers, but their attack power is reduced. The Stalhrim Dagger has one of the lowest weights at 4.5 and only 10 base damage. In addition to being a light dagger, it also provides a 25% bonus to Frost Damage.

Furthermore, it is available from Baldor Iron-Shaper in Skaal Village and Glover Mallory in Raven Rock. It is found at random in caves and unmarked chests all over Skyrim by the Dragonborn.

You can forge this dagger using Stalhrim and a Leather Strip if you have an 80 Smithing level and the Ebony Smithing perk. This is one of the most powerful weapons in Skyrim.

Use The Power Of The Forest: Glass Bow Of The Stag Prince

Many players don’t explore the crafting and cooking aspects of Skyrim, but bows are great for Dragonborns who like to go hunting for a break.

Falas Selvayn sells the Glass Bow of the Stag Prince at the Ramshackle Trading Post, which makes it simpler to hunt without getting too close.

The bow is more potent than typical bows, having a base damage of 16, but it also has a more significant impact. A further five points of Health and Stamina are awarded up to a maximum of 35 points for every 20 animals the bow has killed.

Use Sunlight Against Vampire: Dawnguard Rune Axe

The Dawnguard DLC features a significant amount of vampires. While some players prefer to make their characters vampires, others prefer to engage them in combat.

In Skyrim, the Dawnguard Rune Axe is the most effective weapon for killing vampires. Also, it has a base damage of 11, but this shouldn’t hold you back from acquiring it in the side quest “Lost Relic.”

After killing 100 monsters, the Sun Damage reaches its maximum power, dealing 10-100 additional damage points to vampires.

Embrace Lost Dwarven Technology: Enhanced Dwarven Crossbow

Despite their disappearance, dwarf technology is still present. In the Dawnguard DLC, the Enhanced Dwarven Crossbow, which is the weapon of the Dragonborn, is available.

During the “Ancient Technology” quests, you’ll need to locate the blueprints and make the crossbow yourself, but it’s worth the effort.

Furthermore, this weapon can be upgraded and has a base damage of 22. One of the best weapons in Skyrim is the Enhanced Dwarven Crossbow because it ignores 50% of an enemy’s armor defense. You can keep enhancing it, so you’ll always have a potent tool at your disposal.

Zephyr Lives Up To Its Name

In Skyrim, bows are a standard weapon of choice, and for a good reason—they allow you to deal a lot of damage while staying out of enemy attacks.

It is understandable why the “stealth archer” is one of the most popular builds in the game, given the abundance of excellent bows that are readily available.

Zephyr, a dwarven bow whose owner perished in the Dwemer ruin of Arkngthamz, is one of the best such weapons in the game.

Despite having relatively low base damage of 13, this bow has the highest DPS in the game thanks to a massive 30 percent increase in fire rate. However, it is less useful for archers who rely on sneak attacks with significant damage.

The Staff Of Magnus Grants Massive Arcane Power

One of the most distinctive weapons in the game, the Staff of Magnus, is the result of several significant quests in the College of Winterhold questline.

Although it has quite a few different characteristics from other comparable weapons, it is the ideal weapon for any mage.

Unlike a typical magical staff, the staff itself has no base damage. Instead, it takes 20 Magicka points per hit from the target, and if the target runs out of Magicka, it starts taking health.

Also, this can support any magic-based build and is ideal for battling other mages. This is one of the most powerful weapons in Skyrim.

The Blade That Grows With You: Gaulder Blackblade

The Gauldur Blackblade is the color of onyx, in contrast to the majority of the swords in Skyrim, which have the typical silver sword appearance.

Mikrul Gauldurson loses the sword after completing the “Forbidden Legend” quest. The sword increases in level with the Dragonborn, but its maximum base damage is 11.

Furthermore, starting with five health points, the sword eventually absorbs a quarter of the enemy’s health points.

Although it’s one of the best weapons in Skyrim, its power may not be sufficient for all Dragonborn’s.

Power At A Price: Rueful Axe

The Rueful Axe has a distinctive look. This two-handed ax has carvings of wolves on both sides of the blade, base damage of 22, and light weight of 10. If you choose to carry out an evil deed in “A Daedra’s Best Friend,” you can acquire it.

Furthermore, there is no other way Clavicus Vile will give you the Rueful Axe; he will voluntarily provide it to the Dragonborn in exchange for Barbas’ life.

Barbas wants to spend eternity with his master, but Clavicus is sick of the dog. Also, you’ll get one of Skyrim’s best axes if you fulfill the deity’s evil request.

Wuuthrad Battleaxe

The Dragonborn can use any warrior they want in Skyrim. Battleaxes are among the most potent melee weapons in Skyrim.

The two-handed, enormous Wuuthrad battleax will intimidate any adversary. It has a base damage of 25, but it also has an additional bonus when used against particular foes.

However, when used against orcs and all elves, particularly the Falmer, it deals 1.2 times as much damage. The “Glory of the Dead” quest leads to the acquisition of the Wuuthrad battleax.

Also, you’ll need to put it inside the Ysgramor statue, but once the quest is finished, you can remove it.

Daedric Warhammer

You occasionally need a solid weapon without any extra features. The two-handed Daedric Warhammer is a component of the Daedric weapon set and can be further enhanced using ebony ingots.

The Daedric Warhammer is simple to find and has the most severe base damage in Skyrim at 27 without any enchantments.

This item is available to the Dragonborn from a merchant, blacksmith, chest, or Dremora Merchant. The Daedric Warhammer does have an enchanted variant, but it only drops from Revered or Legendary Dragons.


Old Nord legends claim that Kvenel the Tongue used the Okin in combat. The ruins of Volunruud are where the Dragonborn can find this particular war ax.

Before being allowed to use the Okin in “Silenced Tongues,” the Dragonborn must defeat its previous owner. It is a one-handed weapon that can be used with a shield and has a low weight of only 11.

When used against an enemy, the Okin has an additional effect that causes an extra 10 points of Frost Damage to the target’s Health and Stamina. This is one of the most potent weapons in Skyrim.


Skyrim’s world has a wide range of weapons. The one-handed sword, The Windshear, is unique and can only be acquired by joining the Dark Brotherhood. On The Katariah, along the ship’s bow, is where you can find this sword after finishing the quest “Hail Sithis!”

The Windshear has an additional effect in addition to its 11 base damage. It’s possible to knock down an enemy momentarily if you decide to bash them instead of slashing them.

Also, there is a slight possibility that they will become immobile, giving you a slight tactical advantage. It’s undoubtedly among Skyrim’s top one-handed swords.

Miraak’s Sword

There is a weight restriction, just like in many other Bethesda role-playing games. Role-players may choose to ignore fast travel even though it is a part of Skyrim.

Fortunately, there are enchanted weapons that are potent but portable. Furthermore, the primary foe of the Dragonborn DLC, Miraak, drops Miraak’s Sword.

It is a special sword that gets stronger the more it is used in battle, dealing up to 16 base damage while absorbing 15 stamina points. Given that it only weighs 3, you will have plenty of room to collect all that loot.

The Blade Of Woe

In Skyrim, stealth can be a lot of fun, but if a player wants to get the most out of it mechanically, they should think about using a one-handed weapon to maximize their backstabbing damage.

The Blade of Woe, a weapon used by Brotherhood member Astrid that the player can obtain through stealth or a quest, is a superb option that thematically fits with this style.

Its twelve base damage is respectable for a dagger, and it also has a health-absorbing enchantment that will be useful if the initial blow is not fatal. This is one of the most powerful weapons in Skyrim.


One of Skyrim’s most frequent enemies, the terrifying Draugrs, will frequently contact the player as they explore the game’s numerous crypts and dungeons. These hordes of dead Nord warriors will charge at you and can threaten any unwary explorer.

Furthermore, Dawnbreaker is one of the best weapons in the game for dealing with these frequently encountered monsters because it not only has strong enchantments that can easily smite undead but also has one of the best looks. To obtain it, you must finish the Daedric Prince Meridia’s “The Break of Dawn” quest.


The Elder Scrolls series has featured several legacy weapons. This also applies to The Volendrung. The Rourken family owned this two-handed melee weapon, but the Dragonborn can now possess it if they choose to serve the Daedric Prince Malacath.

Furthermore, the Dragonborn can use the Volendrung after finishing “The Cursed Tribe.” It attacks opponents not only with 25 base damage but also with a bonus.

Five stamina points are absorbed by the Warhammer, ensuring that you have plenty of energy to engage the next foe.

Harkon’s Sword

There are several unique variations of the one-handed sword that each Blade wields. The Dawnguard DLC revealed a special weapon called Harkon’s Sword, but it isn’t handy unless you turn into a vampire.

In the “Kindred Judgment” quest, Harkon will drop this sword after you defeat him. You can strengthen this sword with a steel ingot to increase its power, and it can absorb 15 points each for vampires’ health, Magicka, and stamina.

The only drawback is that this sword requires frequent charging. This is one of the most powerful weapons in Skyrim.

Molag Bal

Molag Bal is one of the evilest Daedric Princes because he enjoys causing havoc and harming the defenseless. You can support the Prince if your Dragonborn believes in Molag Bal’s weapon.

After obtaining Logrolf the Willful’s soul in Boethiah, Molag Bal presents the Dragonborn with a mace bearing the prince’s name.

It is one of Skyrim’s best one-handed weapons, dealing 25 damage to both stamina and magical and filling soul gems instantly if the target is defeated in three seconds.


The Chillrend is undoubtedly one of Skyrim’s best swords. The blade has an icy appearance and emits icy smoke, which is appropriate for Skyrim’s chilly climate.

The Dragonborn determines the Chillrend’s power because it is leveled. The blade deals an extra 30 points of Frost Damage and works best against foes weak to ice.

Also, it has a chance to render its target motionless for two seconds. In “The Pursuit,” the blade is found underneath Riftweald Manor.

Mehrunes’ Razor

Despite their lightweight and low damage, some people may choose other weapons over daggers. With its base damage of 11, Mehrunes’ Razor is no different, but what sets this dagger apart is its ability to dispatch an adversary in a single strike.

Furthermore, mehrunes’ Razor is so potent that it never needs to be charged with a Soul Gem and has a 1.98 percent chance of eliminating its target instantly.

This blade has been present in every Elder Scrolls game since Daggerfall, so devoted fans of the series may recognize it from earlier titles. This is one of the most powerful weapons in skyrim.


When you can use two blades, why use a single one-handed one? One of Skyrim’s best pairs of weapons is the Soulrender and Bloodscythe, which can be found in Gyldenhul Barrow next to the pirate king Haknir Death-remains. Brand’s

However, when used in tandem, the Bloodscythe and Soulrender absorb 15 Health and 15 Magicka. Additionally, they both have a chance to weaken the enemy’s magical and armor defenses. Also, this combination is ideal for eliminating solid magic users.

Bloodskal Blade

Skyrim has plenty of bandit camps and littering caves where you can find powerful weapons. In “The Final Descent,” you can find the Bloodskal Blade next to Gratian Caerellius inside Bloodskal Barrow.

You’ll find that The Bloodskal Blade is lighter than other two-handed swords in the game, with a weight of only 16 and a damage rate of 21.

Also, it can hit enemies in the distance with a 30-damage energy blast. It is the ideal blade for attacking both nearby and distant enemies. This is one of the most powerful weapons in Skyrim.


Numerous weapons are not upgradeable. You might have to let it go early because their level doesn’t change throughout the game.

You can grow with the Dragonbane sword. The weapon’s value and damage increase with the level of the Dragonborn.

At levels 46 and up, all other enemies will take 10 points of shock damage, and the damage increases to 14 with 40 extra points against dragons.

During “Alduin’s Wall,” you must take this item from the Sky Haven Temple. Until the “Paarthurnax” quest, it is regarded as a stolen item if it is later picked up.

Nightingale Bow

You can find numerous legendary weapons in some dungeons. For instance, the most potent weapon in the game can be found in the Inner Sanctum after defeating the final boss and is wielded by “Touching the Sky.”

You can use an Ebony Ingot to increase the base damage of this bow, which is 19 damage. It has an additional effect in addition to being strong on its own.

Additionally, the Nightingale Bow deals 30 Frost Damage and 15 Shock Damage. A weapon that increases both base damage and effect stacking will always give you the advantage in combat.

Auriel’s Bow

In Skyrim, there are a lot of legendary weapons. It was rumored that Auri-El personally carried Auriel’s Bow into battle and that he engaged Lorkhan in combat with it during the Ehlnofey battles.

“Its craftsmanship has no equal anywhere within Tamriel and possibly beyond,” says Knight-Paladin Gelebor. The bow deals an additional 20 points of sun damage on top of its 13 base damage.

The effect is tripled if the target is an undead creature, like many Draugrs found in caves. After defeating Arch-Curate Vyrthur after “Touching the Sky,” this bow is given to the player.

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