In this essay, we will take you through the Google Chrome extensions for developers you can find for Google Chrome.

These extensions are tremendously useful for engineers, designers, and problem-solvers who work as Chrome extension developers in the community of web developers.

Google Chrome is one of the most flexible and very good web browsers among web developers largely due to the extensive collection of open source, frequently free, and always useful extensions available through Chrome’s marketplace.

Chrome extensions, which a person can download instantly, help construct a unique user experience for each Google account holder when they are perusing the web.

Google Chrome extensions make life easier for millions of people daily, whether they use them for business, play, or a combination of these.

Google Chrome Extensions for Developers

1. CSSViewer

CSSViewer Google Chrome extensions for developers are straightforward CSS property viewers.

It provides a floating panel that reports on the section’s identity that the mouse is over, along with its font, text, color, background, box, positioning, and effects attributes.

Additionally, it positions the box to report the mouse’s current location.

CSSViewer gave you rapid access to the essential CSS information you required. Make sure that you add this Chrome application to your browser.

2. Lorem Ipsum Generator

The lorem ipsum generator, as its name suggests, generates lorem ipsum. It offers a straightforward and speedy method for the creation of default text.

This is unquestionably a quick victory if you need some default text as a placeholder.

3. actiTIME

actiTIME Timer Google Chrome extensions for developers allow software developers to monitor their working hours straight from within a web browser or other web applications like Jira.

Organizations, as well as independent contractors, use it to conduct performance evaluations and monitor and manage the development of projects and their financial outcomes.

4. Ghostery

The Ghostery Google extension is a useful tool that can identify trackers, pixels, and any other embedded elements that may be present on a website.

You are presented with a quick list of the plugins and crawlers that have been incorporated into the website that you are currently viewing.

Going further, Ghostery gives you the ability to guard your privacy. When you use this Chrome extension, there is no need to register or join.

5. Wappalyzer

The Wappalyzer is one of the google chrome extensions for developers, which works very similarly to that Ghostery, and enables users to determine what software is currently running on any given website.

It unearths advancements, among other things. content management system, electronic commerce platform(s), web server(s), installed analytics tools, and JavaScript framework(s).

6. IE Tab

Do you need to perform some offline testing in Internet Explorer, but you don’t want to install a wide variety of versions of Internet Explorer?

Check out the IE Tab extension for Chrome, which simulates Internet Explorer by using the rendering engine from Internet Explorer straight within Chrome.

You can test your website for Internet Explorer 6, Internet Explorer 7, Internet Explorer 8, and Explorer 9 straight in your Chrome browser.

Regrettably, the IE Tab Chrome extension is only available to Windows users.

7. Site Spider

You will need Site Spider Google Chrome extensions for developers if you need to discover broken links on your site and if you want to restrict spidering to a particular directory.

8. Session Manager

Managing the tabs in your web browser is an important ability when working on the web.

The best Chrome application for you to use is called Session Manager. It will save the current status of your browsing and allow you to open the session again later.

If you frequently find yourself opening the same websites, this extension will be of special assistance to you.

9. Clear Cache

With these incredibly helpful Google Chrome extensions for developers, you can clean your cache directly from the toolbar.

It operates “behind the scenes,” meaning there will be no confirmation pop-ups or dialog boxes to divert your attention.

The amount of data that can be deleted can be altered according to the user’s preferences.

This includes the app cache, downloads, file systems, form data, bookmarks, local storage, passwords, and more.

10. JSONView

Reading raw JSON data in a browser when you’re a developer dealing with RESTful APIs can be a very uncomfortable experience.

JSON is significantly simpler to comprehend when viewed in a tree format than in its raw state. You can view JSON documents in the browser using the JSONView extension for Chrome.

The Google Chrome extensions for developers add a small toolbar containing various tools to the browser.

The PNH Developer Toolbar was the source of inspiration for the first version of this Chrome application for software engineers.

11. Web Developer

This chrome application for web developers includes various helpful tools that can utilize daily.

Designers, as well as programmers, can utilize these tools. It allows you to do much more than the standard Chrome Inspector, such as displaying rulers, locating all broken images on a website, and much more.

You can quickly add outlines to elements by simply clicking on them.

12. Hiver

Directly within Gmail, this utility assists teams in managing group inboxes, such as those for engineering and bugs.

Critical emails, such as those concerning support escalations and other technical bug problems, that arrive in these inboxes can, with the help of Hiver, be automatically allocated to specific developers and tracked in real time until they are resolved.

13. f19N Obtrusive Live Test

This sandboxed and extensible Webpage Testing Framework is available as one of the Google Chrome extensions for developers.

It allows developers to evaluate every page on predefined standards of excellence, such as search engine optimization or website performance. Developing your exams is a very straightforward process.

You are provided with immediate visual feedback and can observe what is happening in the browser while the page is loading and throughout the render lifecycle.

14. ClickUp

ClickUp is an all-in-one productivity solution for software teams that allows them to plan, collaborate, and handle projects within a centralized work hub.

To help developers create detailed tasks, track time, annotate screenshots, or take notes from any open tab, ClickUp packs six of its most dynamic project management tools into its Chrome Extension.

ClickUp is known for its rich set of customizable features, and its Chrome Extension is packed with these tools.

Because it is directly connected to your workflows, any action you perform utilizing the Chrome Extension will immediately and simultaneously be changed in your ClickUp Workspace, regardless of your device.

The ClickUp Google Chrome extensions for developers will help you become more productive by streamlining the processes of creating tasks and providing feedback.

Additionally, it will remove the need to open, dismiss, or click between windows while you are working.

15. ColorZilla

Within the online development sector, graphic designers, illustrators, and marketing teams will find this one of the most beneficial Chrome extensions available.

ColorZilla is a Firefox add-on that provides instant access to various colorful and user-friendly tools, such as an eye-dropper, color picker, CSS gradient generator, and a website color analyzer.

ColorZilla was developed by Mozilla (which provides palettes based on any site).

16. WhatFont

It is extremely difficult to distinguish between different typeface styles using only your eyes alone if you have spent years learning about typography.

You have the option of contrasting a typeface that you like with reference materials from other locations.

On the other hand, if you don’t have WhatFont, there’s no way to know for sure what you’re looking at.

The WhatFont Chrome extension is useful for determining which typeface (or fonts) is on any website.

It doesn’t take up much space, is straightforward to use, and enables you to store a record of fonts you’ve discovered on web pages you like for future reference.

17. Dimensions

For a web developer, one of the most difficult challenges that are almost certain to arise is determining the precise dimensions of a website page, picture, or any other site component.

Thankfully, with Dimensions already installed, completing the procedure requires no more effort than clicking a mouse.

When you activate these Google Chrome extensions for developers, move your mouse pointer anywhere on the screen, and the exact dimensions of the page will appear in front of you.

These dimensions will be on both the X and Y axis, extending outward from the pointer of your mouse.

This is one of those extensions for web development that you only realized you desperately required once you found this one.

18. EditThisCookie

Although the ability to edit, manipulate, block, and export cookies might not immediately strike you as an important tool in the toolbox, it is unavoidable that developers will, at some point, look for this Chrome extension.

EditThisCookie performs precisely as described on the packaging (cookie box).

Using EditThisCookie, you can change, delete, add, create, search for, protect, export, block, and import cookies on particular websites to whatever extent is required.

Even the highest date that a cookie can remain valid for can have its validity restricted.

19. Window Resizer for Developer

You can dynamically adjust the extent of your browser window by installing the Window Resizer extension.

When you select the icon in the top-right corner of the menu bar, a list of window sizes you can modify will descend.

You can switch between various screen resolutions and check if your media breakpoints are functioning as anticipated when you use the Window Resizer because it allows you to launch it as a pop-up.

This is one of the cool things about the Window Resizer. In addition to that, you can rotate your device and modify the default settings.

20. ColorPick Eye-dropper

The ColorPick Eye-dropper is a straightforward color selector application that allows users to extract color values from virtually any website.


We have concluded the best Google Chrome extensions for developers.

Becoming a master in web development is an occupation that requires a high level of specialization and can take a person a lifetime, or even longer, to grasp and excel in.

The internet fully, the instruments used for development, and the expectations of clients are constantly evolving.

This trend will likely continue for as long as there are web developers.

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