What kind of inverter should you get? There are several different types of inverters, each with pros and cons.  

An inverter converts direct current (DC) into alternating current (AC). This is important because AC power is needed to run appliances such as air conditioners, refrigerators, and electric stoves. 

Inverters come in two main categories: single phase and three phases. Single-phase inverters only convert DC to AC at 120 or 240 volts, whereas three-phase inverters can handle higher voltages. 

To determine which type of inverter is best suited for your home, consider these questions: How much electricity does my house consume? 

What size is my electrical panel? Is my home wired for 3-phase power? If yes, then you’ll want a 3-phase inverter. Otherwise, choose a single-phase inverter. 

How many devices do I need to run on the same circuit? Do I have any special needs that require more than one device per circuit? 

For example, suppose you have an air conditioning unit, a refrigerator, a microwave oven, and a clothes dryer plugged into the same outlet. In that case, you may need a three-phase inverter. 

If you’re looking for a new inverter, check out our list of different types of inverters below.

We’ve handpicked some of the most popular models from reputable manufacturers like LG, Samsung, and Panasonic. 

1. Microinverter

Although they are often more expensive, microinverters are rapidly lowering in price.

Instead of string converters, microinverters are mounted on each panel or built inside the solar panel itself. 

Each solar panel will efficiently absorb solar energy because they are not connected, regardless of whether adjacent panels are shadowed. 

2. Square Wave Inverter

Square Wave Inverter is one of the different types of Inverters. This inverter’s voltage output waveform is a square wave. 

Because all appliances are made for a sine wave supply, this type of inverter is the least used of all the inverter types. 

Additionally, appliances using sine wave technology may be damaged or experience significant losses if we supply square waves. 

Although this inverter is incredibly inexpensive, it only has minimal applicability. Simple tools with a universal motor can be used. 

3. Power Optimiser

Power optimizers are an excellent middle ground between more expensive microinverters and less expensive string inverters, even though they are not technically inverters. 

Optimizers are fitted beside or built into each solar panel, similar to micro inverters. Unlike microinverters, they do not instantly convert DC electricity to AC electricity. 

They prepare the DC power instead and then send it to a string inverter.

The performance of a string inverter system is essentially “optimized” by minimizing the impact of shade. 

4. String Inverter

String inverters are the most common type of inverter. They are also the most expensive. They consist of multiple strings of series-connected solar cells.  

Each string consists of several solar cells connected. The number of strings depends on how large your array is. For instance, you’d need ten strings with a 10kW variety. 

5. Multi-Phase Inverter

Multi-Phase Inverters are also one of the different types of Inverters. Furthermore, Multi-phase inverters are the most powerful and efficient type of inverter. 

They consist of two or more phases (three-phase) or four phases (four-phase). The number of phases determines how much power can be converted at once.

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