When you browse the web, each time your browser requests a resource, the server responds not just with the content but also with a numerical code: this is an HTTP status code.
These status codes are part of the HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol), which is the foundation of data communication for the internet.
They provide an immediate understanding of the result of your request – whether it’s been successful, redirected, failed due to client or server errors, or fallen into a special category.
Understanding HTTP status codes is crucial because they help diagnose issues and optimize the user experience.
A successful response, such as a status code in the 200 range, confirms that the request has been processed correctly.
Redirection messages, which fall into the 300 range, guide the browser to a new location or resource.
Client error responses, the 400 series, indicate issues with the request itself, while server error responses, the 500 series, signal problems on the server’s side.
Key Takeaways
- HTTP status codes communicate the result of your browser’s request to a server.
- The codes range from successful operations to client and server errors.
- Understanding these codes is important for troubleshooting and improving web interactions.
Overview of HTTP Status Codes
HTTP status codes are integral to the functionality of web communication, providing feedback on how a server handles your requests.
They fall into five distinct classes, each signaling different types of responses.
Informational Responses (1xx)
These status codes represent provisional responses that you receive before the server sends the final response.
Here’s what you might encounter:
- 100 Continue: The server has received your request headers, and you can proceed to send the request body.
- 101 Switching Protocols: You requested a protocol switch, and the server confirms it will comply.
Success Responses (2xx)
When your request succeeds, you’ll see these status codes:
- 200 OK: The most common code, it indicates that your request was successful.
- 201 Created: A new resource has been made in response to your request.
Redirection Messages (3xx)
These indicate that you need to take additional action to complete the request:
- 301 Moved Permanently: The resource you are trying to access has moved, and all future requests should use the new URL.
Client Error Responses (4xx)
These codes tell you that there may be an error on your end:
- 400 Bad Request: The server didn’t understand your request due to invalid syntax.
- 404 Not Found: The resource you are trying to reach is unavailable at the server.
Server Error Responses (5xx)
When the problem lies with the server, you’ll encounter these:
- 500 Internal Server Error: The server has encountered a situation it doesn’t know how to handle.
HTTP Methods and Status Codes
When you interact with web resources, HTTP methods, and status codes are essential for communication between your client and the server.
Each method can lead to various status codes based on the result of your request.
GET Method
The GET method requests data from a specified resource.
When you send a GET request, you might receive a 200 OK
status if everything works correctly and the content is available.
On occasion, a 204 No Content
response means that the server successfully processed your request, but there’s no content to send back.
POST Method
With the POST method, you submit data to be processed to a specified resource.
If your POST request leads to the creation of a new resource, the server should respond with a 201 Created
If the server processes the request but doesn’t have a new resource to show, it might return 200 OK
or 204 No Content
HEAD Method
The HEAD method is similar to GET, but it asks for the headers only, without the body of the content.
It’s useful to check what a GET request would return without downloading the content.
Typically, you’ll receive the same success codes as the GET method—200 OK
if the resource is available, or 204 No Content
if there is no body content to return.
Successful Responses
When your HTTP request succeeds, the server responds with a message that falls within the 200-299 status code range, each conveying specific details about the success of your request.
200 OK
200 OK is the standard response for a successful HTTP request. When you receive this status code, it tells you that the request you made went through without a hitch, and the response body contains the requested resource.
201 Created
If a new resource is successfully created as a result of your request, the server will respond with 201 Created. This indicates that the action was successful, and often, the response will include a Location
header pointing to the newly created resource.
202 Accepted
202 Accepted means your request was accepted for processing, but it’s not completed yet. The server still got it and will handle it, although there is no immediate result, and thus no entity body in the response.
204 No Content
The 204 No Content status code is a pat on the back for your request being processed successfully, but there’s no content to send back in the response body. It’s useful when you’re updating something but don’t need to confirm with a new version of the resource.
206 Partial Content
When you request only part of a resource through range headers, and the server is okay with that, it replies with 206 Partial Content. This way, you get just the bits you need without having to download the whole thing, especially handy for large files.
Redirection Messages
When you request a resource on the web, sometimes it’s not available at the location you expect.
That’s when redirection messages come into play to guide your browser to the right place.
301 Moved Permanently
A 301 Moved Permanently status code informs you that the resource has moved to a new URL permanently. You should update any bookmarks you have, as this change is permanent. For more about this status, consider the detailed explanation on MDN Web Docs.
302 Found
The 302 Found status code indicates that the resource you’re trying to reach has been temporarily moved to a different URI. Unlike the 301, this move is temporary, so you should not alter your bookmarks. More specifics can be found in this MDN section.
303 See Other
A 303 See Other response is given when you’ve requested a resource that can be found at a different URI, using a GET method. This code is often used in response to a POST request to guide you to a new resource, like a confirmation page. Stack Overflow discussions provide real-world applications of this status code.
307 Temporary Redirect
With a 307 Temporary Redirect, you’re told that the resource you’ve asked for has been temporarily redirected to another URI; however, your follow-up request should use the original URI. This ensures future requests remain consistent. More details about the implications of a 307 status can be found on Wikipedia’s HTTP status code page.
308 Permanent Redirect
Lastly, the 308 Permanent Redirect status means that the resource has moved to a new URI, and all future requests should be made to this new URI. It’s similar to the 301 status but does not allow the HTTP method to change in the new request. The REST API Tutorial can clarify the nuances of this status code.
Client Error Responses
In dealing with HTTP status codes, you’ll often encounter client error responses that highlight issues with the request sent to the server.
Such issues range from bad syntax to exceeding request limits.
400 Bad Request
The 400 Bad Request error generally means the server can’t process your request due to incorrect syntax. Always double-check your query strings and payload to ensure they follow the expected format.
401 Unauthorized
When you encounter a 401 Unauthorized status, it indicates that your request lacks proper authentication credentials or they weren’t provided correctly. Be sure to include the necessary headers with valid authentication details.
403 Forbidden
A 403 Forbidden response means access to the resource you’re trying to reach is strictly forbidden regardless of authentication. In this case, you don’t have the permission necessary to access the content.
404 Not Found
You’re probably familiar with the 404 Not Found error. It tells you that the server can’t find the requested resource. Check if the URL is correct, as typos are a common culprit.
429 Too Many Requests
Receiving a 429 Too Many Requests response is an indication that you’ve sent too many requests in a given amount of time. Reviewing the rate limits provided by the API documentation and implementing proper rate-limiting mechanisms in your requests is a good idea.
Server Error Responses
When you encounter server error responses, it usually indicates a problem with the server’s internal processing.
These errors fall into the range of 500-599 and typically represent an issue that the server itself needs to address.
500 Internal Server Error
A 500 Internal Server Error is a general indication that the server has encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request. This could be due to issues in the server’s internal programming or a glitch in processing the request. It’s often a catch-all error when no more specific message is suitable.
503 Service Unavailable
The 503 Service Unavailable error means that the server is currently unable to handle the request because it is overloaded or down for maintenance. Usually, this is a temporary state, and the server will indicate through headers if you should expect that it’s a transient condition.
502 Bad Gateway
A 502 Bad Gateway error arises when the server, acting as a gateway or proxy, receives an invalid response from an upstream server. It’s an indicator that there’s an issue with the flow of data between servers, which could be due to a variety of network or communication problems.
Special Status Codes
In the world of HTTP, some status codes are less common but equally important for specific scenarios.
The following codes come into play for situations like continuing a request, switching communication protocols, or processing information.
100 Continue
Expect the server to 100 Continue when you’ve sent the header of your request and are waiting for approval to send the body. This status helps avoid sending large requests when the server intends to reject them due to headers alone.
101 Switching Protocols
Use 101 Switching Protocols when you’ve asked the server to switch protocols, and it has agreed. It’s the handshake of HTTP status codes, confirming a protocol change, such as upgrading to a WebSocket.
102 Processing
Encounter 102 Processing when the server has received and is processing your request but no response is available yet. It’s a way for the server to tell you it’s working on it without any immediate conclusion.
207 Multi-Status
The 207 Multi-Status indicates that various status codes might be relevant to a batch of sub-requests. This is common with WebDAV, where multiple resources are involved, and each might have a different status.
226 IM Used
Finally, 226 IM Used comes into play when a server has fulfilled a GET request for the resource, and the response is a representation of the result of one or more instance manipulations applied to the current instance.
Understanding these special status codes can help you debug and work with HTTP more effectively. They signal special circumstances and actions the server takes, providing insight into what’s happening behind the scenes of your web interactions.
Handling HTTP Status Codes
When dealing with HTTP status codes, you play a dynamic role between the browser and the server.
These status codes are critical to understanding the server’s response to your actions.
Think of them as a way for the server to communicate the outcome of your request for a resource.
- 1xx: These are informational codes. They indicate that the server has received your request, and you should continue the action.
- 2xx: Congratulations, your request was successful! The server has provided you with the requested resource.
- 3xx: These codes tell your browser that extra steps are needed to complete the request, usually involving a redirection to another location.
- 4xx: Uh-oh, there’s a client error. You’ll see these when the request has an issue, such as a bad URL or lack of access rights.
- 5xx: These signal server errors. The server knows it has a problem that needs fixing.
As a client, it’s crucial to understand how to react to each status code:
- Successful responses should prompt you to proceed with your actions, whether it’s rendering content or processing data.
- On encountering redirection messages, your browser might automatically follow the new location, or it may require you to take action.
- For client error statuses, verify the request details you’ve sent. Errors in the URL or request format often trigger these messages.
- With server error responses, the issue lies within the server. You can retry the request or, if persistent, contact the server’s support.
By recognizing these HTTP responses, you can navigate the web more effectively, ensuring smoother interactions with web resources.